
(Long awaited) Changes...

So beginning this week, Wore & Piece is now Parkerhawn Vintage: The Blog.

Made no sense for me to be doing double work maintaining a seperate site with fashion news, shop information and calendar events as well as the style blog (which I HAVENT been maintaining - sorry)

Now everything will filter from here down to our Facebook, Twitter and Website. Why I didnt think of this before I'll never know. DOH! *smacking palm of hand on forehead* - In other news:

Its Official....

Parkerhawn Vintage set up our summer/fall pop-up-shop in North Oak Cliff at Indie Genius. Its located just a few blocks from the Bishop Arts District off of 7th and Zang (right behind BEE restaurant) Its been 2 weeks of a soft opening and we're planning a Summer Soiree for our grand opening in late June. Stay tuned for details! *photo source: oakcliff.advocatemag.com

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