Today, featured an post titled, "7 Envy-Inducing Wedding Rings That Are Anything But Traditional". On their Facebook page, they asked their followers: "Would you commit to a lifetime with one of these unorthodox pieces?" I respond with a resounding, "Hell Yeah!".
13 years ago this coming August, I committed to a lifetime of marriage with the most lovingly faithful and patient man I have ever met in my life. He's disturbingly sweet and delightfully silly, plus the guy treats me like I'm the freakin Queen of Sheba! Here's the 'unorthodox' ring he presented to me:
13 years ago this coming August, I committed to a lifetime of marriage with the most lovingly faithful and patient man I have ever met in my life. He's disturbingly sweet and delightfully silly, plus the guy treats me like I'm the freakin Queen of Sheba! Here's the 'unorthodox' ring he presented to me:
Definitely NOT your common wedding ring! Well, it shouldn't be. I'm not your 'common' kind of gal! I love that my husband took the time to get me a ring that is as unique as I am and as rare as our love is. What I adore above all else is all the symbolism in the ring. I usually give the quick version to people who ask but I'm goin all out here with the nitty-gritty details of each element incorporated into the design.
- The 1st thing you'll notice is that it's not a closed circle band. That's actually the best part of the ring so I'll save it for last. *heh - heh - heh*
- My ring is two tone white and yellow gold. It's a representation of our mixed-race marriage. I don't tell that to most people as they usually get all crooked in the face about it. I know, I know, the popular opinion is "Color shouldn't matter.". Whatever! I'm THRILLED that my chestnut-mahogany skin tone is one of the things that turns my husband on. I in turn, adore that freckled Irish/Italian olive complexion of his. Don't even get me started on what our kids are gonna look like! Shoot...we're gonna make some jaw-droppin gorgeous babies up in here people. Mark my words!
- My stone is a triangular diamond encased by three gold bands. The shape of the stone is a symbol of my husband's love for everything about me. My body, my mind and my spirit. The three bands are a reminder that this marriage can only remain strong with the help of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. We know that it's been our faith in the power and assistance of His Trinity within our marriage that has kept us together after 13 long (and sometimes VERY trying) years. Although the circumstances surrounding our meeting may appear to be "by chance" to most, we know it was NO accident. God brought Scott & I together for a purpose. A purpose greater than just mere mortal pleasure. Who are we to mess with that?? "Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together." - Matthew 19:6
- The two gold vertical bars on the opposite side of the stone are a representation of he and I as two individuals working together side by side. You may be thinking, "Wait a minute. Doesn't that kinda contradict the whole '...And two shall become one' thing you just talked about?". Well, not really. Yes, we're one couple but we're still two very different people, with two unique personalities, providing two sets of strengths and skills to this marriage. Good, bad or ugly, we made a promise to be in this forever and give it everything we've got. As a Capricorn married to a Taurus, I'm glad those bars are there. Hard heads like us need all the reminders we can get!
- Lastly the space. I've always been a VERY independent person - sometimes to a fault. I pride myself on being a strong, opinionated, outside-the-box kinda gal. I didn't want being married to change that. I've seen too many of my friends morph into this completely different person after they get married. I liked who I was and apparently, so did my husband or he wouldnt have proposed! Understanding who I was and that particular need of mine, that man made a promise to me like no one else. To forever surround me with love yet give me just enough space to be myself. *sigh* Talk about a smooth move to seal the deal! I mean, really...who could say no to a promise like that?
Me and my 'Luva'...
Keepin' each other in stitches since 1997
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